CrissCross Design and Innovation in Melbourne.
Details of task: To create an Interactive digital design solutions for a range of platforms and media showcasing Design & Innovation in Melbourne, Australia. BlackBox Design and Innovation will be exhibiting at The World Design Expo in Milan in June 2014. Curated and developed by Ian Wong, this digital installation will exhibit about 64 different examples of design and innovation originating in Melbourne, Australia. The group task is to reinterperate this project and design suitable experiences across a range of digital media platforms: touchscreen [main], website, iPad and iPhone.
Digital Map Creation
- sketches of the touchscreen map & products timeline -
Map zoning - products timeline and site location in color legends.
Zoning and color highlights.
Developing interaction design [UX & UI].
Locating product items on the map.
Innovative products are grouped according to history and color in the timeline.
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